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Returns & Refunds

What is Our Return Policy?
You may return new, unopened items (Only electronic devices and computer accessories, and not included pre-paid cards), within 7 business days of delivery. All returned products must be in their original packaging with all included accessories intact.

Defective or damaged items will be exchanged or the product cost credited for other store purchases if the buyer reports the problems within 7 business days of delivery. For all returns, the buyer must contact Customer Services in writing to describe reason for returns.

The buyer shall be responsible for all shipping, insurance, and handling charges (where applicable) when returning the items to Customer Services for exchange or credit. Shipping and handling fees shall not be credited.

The buyer shall also be responsible for all shipping, insurance, and handling charges (where applicable) when Cameo returns the replaced items to the buyer.

Cameo shall not be responsible for losses and breakage during the return shipping process. It is highly recommended that the buyer use a traceable mean to ship the product and purchase shipping insurance.

We'll notify you by email once we've received and processed your returned item. We typically process your returned items within 3 to 5 days of receiving them.

Cameo Return Procedure
Exchange or Refund your Cameo purchase? It’s easier than you imagine.
Go to the Easy Return page "RMA”.
Fill out all the required information.
Click Submit, our RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) department will notify you by email within 2 working days.
Our customer service department will help you with your exchange or refund the full value of your purchase.

The funds will be applied within (10) days.

Standard 7-day Exchange & Refund Policy
Unless specified the item to be non-refundable on our website, on the receipt and packing slip. Cameo is happy to provide customer with 7 days satisfaction guarantee on all the items you purchase from us. We only accept qualified and conforming products for exchange or refund within 7 days of the original purchase date. Restocking fees do apply for returned products. Items must be received by Cameo within 7 days of the original invoice date. For all the none-refundable items, there will be no Credit, Refunds, or Exchanges applied to these products. Customers must indicate the specific problem and reason for returning an item. The Item for return must be packed and shipped according to our "Shipping and Packing Guidelines”..

Standard 30 days for Repair and Replacement
The repair or replacement of any product is the decision of Cameo. Cameo will first obtain the customer’s approval if a replacement part is necessary. If a product cannot be fixed then a replacement will be made. Normally, it will take two to three weeks to have a replacement  made if it is not in stock. In all cases, Cameo must receive the returned items before any replacement items can be sent out. 

Shipping and Packing Guidelines
A valid RMA number must be clearly displayed on the address label. The returned items must include full original package, accessories, Driver/Software CDs/Diskettes and manuals. The return product must be properly packaged and insulated. All products received with physical damage will void the warranty. Cameo is not responsible for any shipping, handling and insurance charges associated with the returned items and we are not liable for any delay or damage. Customers are responsible for shipping cost to Cameo. The returned items must be physically received within 7 days from the date the RMA number is issued. 

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